Fish Meal and Fish Oil 

Pure Sardine Anchovy Fish Meal 

Pure sardine anchovy fish meal is one of the most important fish meals made by cooking anchovies (Engraulidae family) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus family). These types of fish are found in the Persian Gulf. High percentage of raw proteins, high protein absorption rate, and being very rich in amino acids are some of the features of this type of fish meal.

Pure Southern Fish Meal

Pure southern fish meal is made by mixing and cooking farmed fish and canning factories’ fish wastes.  High percentage of raw proteins, high protein absorption rate, rich amino acids, and reasonable price compared to Corn Gluten Meal and Full-Fat Soybean Meal are some of the features of this fish meal.

Fish Oil

The fish oil being a good source of essential fatty acids shelters two important contents called EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) These two Omega-3-fatty acid contents commonly having the PUFA nature decrease the cholesterol levels in the arteries and there by reduce the risk of heart disease. Fish oil also is found to be the cheap source of vitamin A, D and E content. Fish oil supports the growth of animals at least equal to that of any other source of fat in the diet. All the membersof essential fatty acids have shown growth promoting factors in animals.